
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

a table to dine at

Our apartment finally starting to feel like home!
 We painted our dining room- MarthaStewart Macademia

We moved my Aunt's window painting from the living room to dining room.
And also put a bookshelf into a nook in the corner.

We are still looking for something other than huge sheets of
butcher paper covering our windows, any suggestions?
We are also looking for some kind of chairs that will compliment our incredibly high table.

A peek at our dining room:)

 Ground beef, Carrots, Tomato Paste, Onions, Peas, Beer, Thyme.
 Top with slices of potatoes, butter and salt and pepper
Pop in the oven- 400 degrees for 45 minutes:)

A lovely cottage pie for dinner!

(You can also have ground lamb or turkey instead)
For the official recipe- click here

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